
While playing Telephone Pictionary, a couple buddies and I decided we could create this as an app. Telephone Pictionary is a game I play with friends where you alternate drawing and writing. Because it could easily be played asynchronously, you could have several games going at once with players all over the world.


  • We all had full time jobs.
  • There were other applications out there that worked similiarly; we’d have to set ourselves apart.
  • Drawing on a phone isn’t nearly as easy as on a piece of paper.
  • We had to develop a method to store the data from individual user inputs and combine them all in a easy to access/use final image.
  • Determine a way to play a local game.

Current Progress

  • All screens wire-framed in high fidelity using JustInMind.
  • 50+ user testing sessions conducted.
  • Local game mode prototype working on Android.

Future Improvements

  • Implement the online game mode.
  • Eliminate ways users can inadvertently delete an in progress game.
  • Tweak the drawing methods to allow for more precise control.
  • Build a zoom function into the application.
  • Lock the phone with only that application open.

Working Prototype